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Become a Donor

Donation Opportunities

Donations to the Elk Grove Regional Scholarship Foundation are tax-deductible due to our 501(c) non-profit status. Each donation will be acknowledged.

Donations may be made in the following ways:


To a new scholarship you wish to establish

Scholarship Application click here.
Applications will be accepted year round. For spring involvement with the Spotlight on Scholarship event, the applications must be submitted by September 30 of each year. Monies for pass through, yearly awards, increasing endowments must be received by September 30 of each year for Spring payout. Monies to start an endowment must be received by March 31 to payout the following Spring.

To specific scholarships already established, specific event (i.e. Spotlight on Scholarships or Bounty on the Boulevard) or to the Foundation or Friends of the Foundation.

Donation Form click here.